Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip
Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip

Applejuice Polka Dot Bakelite Dress Clip

通常価格 ¥9,800 ¥0 単価 あたり
税込 配送料は購入手続き時に計算されます。

This vintage Bakelite dress clip is in the shape of an elongated shield, and has reverse-carved enameled polka dots. The clip mechanism is silvertone metal and works well.

The clip measures 3" long and 1-3/16" wide.
